
What is

The KAWAI Grade Test is a musical ability certification system designed for all
music students, from beginners to experts.
This Test is conducted regularly at KAWAI MUSIC SCHOOL in each country and region.

Guideline for KAWAI Grade Test
(September 2024 to August 2025)
Kawai Grade Test Application Form
(September 2024 to August 2025)

KAWAI Grade Test
- Grade 16 to 7
(for students)

GRADE 16 to 7 are intended for KAWAI MUSIC SCHOOL students who learn our original textbook "SOUND TREE", which are classified into levels based on this Grade Test. Once the student complete the textbook, they will take the corresponding level of Grade Test. If the student pass the Grade Test, they will obtain the certificate.

Off-line Grade Test

Off-line Grade Test
Off-line Grade Test

Off-line Grade Test are held at designated sites or schools in each region.
Students will be requested to perform designated pieces in front of the judge and will be judged at the time. They also receive an "evaluation sheet" for their performance at the later date. Furthermore, examiners who meet certain criteria and pass the exam will be awarded a certificate.

Off-line Grade Test
Off-line Grade Test
Off-line Grade Test

Online Grade Test

Off-line Grade Test
Off-line Grade Test

KAWAI Grade Test can also be conducted online, connecting the judge to KAWAI MUSIC SCHOOL or student's home.
The judge will review and evaluate your performance online and on the video.
As with the offline grade test, an evaluation sheet will be sent to all examinees and certificates will be awarded to the successful examinees.

Off-line Grade Test

KAWAI Grade Test
- Grade 6 to 2
(for Instructors and

Grade 6 to 2 are designed for those who wish to become music teachers and performers. Examinees will be able to improve various kinds of musical skills such as music theory and performing skills as they make efforts toward the assigned tasks for each grade.
Of course, successful examinees will be qualified as corresponding "Grade."

Piano Grade Test

Piano grade
Piano grade

The Piano Grade Test measures piano performance skills and musical knowledge necessary for music teachers and performers.
This test is divided into two subjects: Performance Grade and Instruction Grade. The Performance Grade evaluates piano performance skills, and the Instruction Grade evaluates basic music theory and solfege skills.

Educational Grade

Educational grade
Educational grade

The Teaching Grade tests the ability and pedagogical knowledge of various musical expressions necessary for music educators to conduct group lessons with young children. There are three types of examinations: the Music Activity Grade, the Eurhythmic Grade, and the Teaching Grade. The Music Activity Grade and Eurhythmic Grade test the ability to teach music mainly through singing, playing instruments, and physical musical expression. The Teaching Grade examines the applicant's knowledge of music education and the concept of teaching young children.



After passing each level of the Grade Test, the certificate will be issued and offered.

Grade Test Judges

Grade 16 to 7 will be judged by Japanese teachers or teachers belonging to KAWAI MUSIC SHOOLs in each region who are familiar with the KAWAI education system.
All the judges are required to take a series of trainings and pass the examination, so we guarantee that the KAWAI Grade Test is conducted fairly in every country and region.

Grade Test Judges

How to take the Grade Test

KAWAI Grade Test is conducted in each country and region where KAWAI MUSIC SCHOOLs are located. (Indonesia, China, and Thailand).
*For the application, please contact your KAWAI MUSIC SCHOOL.








coming soon...

Certificate Awarding Ceremony

Certificate Awarding Ceremony

In some areas, ceremonies are held to award the Grade Test Certificate.